The following URLs may be useful: - The Linux Documentation Project - The Filesystem Hierarchy Standard - Bash manual - Advanced bash scripting guide - Debian home page - Third-party packages for Debian Shell features The bash shell has several useful features for interactive use. If you press the up arrow key it will scroll through the command history, allowing you to easily repeat past commands. If you start typing a command, filename, environment variable etc. then press TAB, bash will attempt to complete the rest what you were typing. If there are multiple possibilities it will beep; pressing TAB again will list all the possibilities. Shell scripting Shell scripts (analogous to batch files under DOS) are used alot under Linux (and other UNIX-like operating systems). Bash is a powerful shell, with constructs for conditionals, looping, etc.. These are described in the bash man page, and also the bash manual and guide listed in my previous email. To create a shell script, create a text file with '#!/bin/bash' on the first line, followed by shell commands, and give it executable permission. To redirect the standard output stream of a command to a file, use e.g.: $ ls -l > list.txt To redirect standard input to a file: $ command < file To run two programs, with the standard output of one connected to the standard output of another, type the first command, the pipe symbol, then the second command, e.g.: $ ls -la | less For more information see the bash manual or guide. For dealing with environment variables: 'export NAME=value' will set a variable, and export it so that all processes started from this shell will also have the variable set. 'env' will list all environment variables currently set. 'echo $HOME' will print out the contents of the environment variable called HOME. Changing file permissions can be done from Konqueror, or with the command 'chmod', 'chown', and 'chgrp'. 'rm' will delete a file, 'mv' fill rename / move a file. 'ln' will create symbolic or hard links (see me for an explanation of the difference). All these commands have man pages explaining how to use. When some packages are installed, they will ask you for some options through a system called debconf. 'dpkg-reconfigure xyz' (where xyz is the package name) will allow these debconf settings for an installed package to be changed. 'mc' is a text-based file manager with built-in text editor (mcedit) and viewer, particularly useful when connecting via SSH.