Bob - chatter

well my name is Bob.

Robin Who?

I know some, what about you?

me? friends? hah.

Hola, Quien eres?


what do you do for a living?

Bob, are you a furry too?

No, definitely Not.

Etch Who?

Bless you!

Fairly good.

good to hear.

do you know any good jokes?

I know some, what about you?

my name is Bob, it's Siege.

do you have any friends there?

Not many.

Yeah, I have a lot.

good to hear.


so how's life?

pretty good actually. what about you?

I'm good too.

good to hear.

do you know any good jokes?

Knock Knock.

Who's there?


Robin Who?

so what's new with you?

Nothing much, with about you?

what's new with you?

Only Reasonably?

Yeah, I'm Not super into them.

The photos on Facebook.

Yeah, right, I saw those.

Not bad either.

good to hear.

do you know any good jokes?

I know some, what about you?

Oh, pretty sorry. what is your name?

well my name is Bob.

Not bad, how's yours?

Bless you!

Nothing much. just got back from playing baseball.


Hey there.

Hey Bob, how are you today?

I don't know, why Did The chicken cross The road?

Uh, thanks I guess?

why Not?

Uh, thanks I guess?

Eh, Not much.

do you know any good jokes?

why Did The chicken cross The road?

to get to The other side.

Hello Bob.

Did you see The news this morning?

Yeah, That earthquake in Christchurch sounded I'm serious.


do you know any good jokes?

Knock Knock.

Who's there?


Tank Who?

what is The password?

I'm Not telling you!

Nothing much, with about you?

Not bad either.

good to hear.


so what's new with you?

Nothing much, just work.

what do you do for work?

pretty a software engineer.

I see, do you enjoy That?

Not bad thanks, how are you?

I'm good too.

good to hear.


so what's new with you?

Nothing much. just got back from playing baseball.


Etch Who?

Bless you!

Yeah, it's nice.

Not bad, though The same may Not be said of Christchurch.

Oh, what happened there?

Yep. so what's new?

Not really, do you?

Not really.

Oh well.

so anyway, how are you today?

I'm alright, a bit bored. what about you?

also a bit bored.

do you know any good jokes?

I know a few, do you?

a few.

I see.